Garfield Heights City Schools

(216) 475-8100

Garfield Heights City Schools News Article

Coronavirus - Keep yourself and your family safe.

Dear community members,  

We are posting this information for you about the coronavirus.  The medical links below are from the Cuyahoga County Board of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and they contain the latest information available.

In order to keep you and your family safe, please follow the bulleted suggestions from the County Board of Health about the coronavirus and the flu in general.

The Health Department said, “Given that we are currently in the midst of flu season, we recommend following the same general practices of good hygiene to prevent Coronavirus as well as flu, colds and other illnesses:

§  Sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow to keep germs from spreading

§  Regularly wash your hands with soap and water/use alcohol-based hand sanitizer in between

§  Don’t share cups, spoons, forks, etc. with anyone

§  Don’t make food for anyone if you are sick

§  Don’t go to work or school if you are sick

§  Visit a doctor, urgent care or emergency department if you are sick – don’t take chances

Please contact your medical provider with any questions."

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