Garfield Heights City Schools

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Garfield Heights City Schools News Article

GHCS Positively Collaborates in Town Hall Forum

The Garfield Heights City Schools would like to thank Mayor Burke, Representative Darnell T. Brewer, and Chloe Ervin-Dozier for an outstanding town hall forum on many topics which was held on Thursday, September 12th at the Civic Center. Before an audience of more than 80 interested citizens, each panelist answered questions and spoke about important topics in the community. Additional speakers adding to the commentary on positively impacting the youth in town were Police Chief Mark Kaye and Top Dawg leader Mario Hauser. Topics included the strong start to the school year, the added safety and security measures taking place at the GHCS, and the truly collaborative relationship with the police department, City of Garfield Heights, and the community. Thank you to everyone who attended this town hall forum, and the district looks forward to similar events in the future!

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