Garfield Heights City Schools

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Garfield Heights City Schools News Article

Garfield Heights Senior Citizens Entertained by High School Performers

The Garfield Heights Theater Department will be sharing its upcoming spring performance of Jane
Austen’s Pride and Prejudice over the next two weekends, and in order to be theatrically prepared, a
preview of the play was given to senior citizens in our community earlier this week. Joining the
wonderfully gifted Garfield Heights High School Theater Department, led by Mr. Stephen Benjamin,
approximately 20 senior citizens watched closely during Act I of the famed, classic theatrical
performance, and then broke for lunch and coffee break. The completion of Act II prompted a rousing
round of applause from the senior citizens. According to one individual who visited from the Garfield
Heights Civic Center, ‘attending the preview plays are my favorite days of the entire year.’ Please mark
your calendars to support the Garfield Heights Theater Department’s production of Pride and Prejudice,
beginning on Friday, April 21st… Saturday, April 22nd … Friday, April 28th and Saturday, April 29th … all at 7
p.m. in the Center for Performing Arts… and Sunday, April 30th at 1 p.m.

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