Each year, the Ohio Army National Guard invites local educators to visit their facility in North Canton, Ohio. The purpose of this event is to showcase the assets and opportunities available to high school students, should they choose to join the guard. This year, Joe Dunbrook applied for, and was selected to attend the event. He was excited and honored to represent Garfield Heights High School! Mr. Dunbrook learned of the many career related training programs, as well as the college tuition reimbursement benefits offered by the guard. With this new knowledge, he will be able to serve as a conduit of information for GHHS students, teachers, guidance counselors, and career specialists about the many and diverse opportunities, assets, and benefits available from the Ohio Army National Guard. It was an amazing day and included presentations from numerous Ohio guardsmen who provided personal insights, information, and history of the guard. Mr. Dunbrook even found a GHHS Alumni, Jordan Black who is currently serving in our armed forces! Educators were also treated to a tour of military vehicles, armor, and aircraft. The day was topped off with a flight in a Chinook CH-47 helicopter!