Garfield Heights City Schools

(216) 475-8100

Garfield Heights City Schools News Article

Class of 2036, This Year’s Kindergarteners, Begin First Full Day of School

The Garfield Heights City Schools is all about creative lifelong, positive connections with our students from the very youngest ages. Today, Monday, August 28th, Superintendent Dr. Richard Reynolds toured William Foster and distributed T-shirts to our kindergarten students who are attending their first day of classes as an entire group, which were appropriately labeled “Class of 2036,” in recognition of what will be their graduating year. After day-long orientations with half the class last week helped to familiarize kindergarten students with William Foster, Principal Stevens, and their respective teachers, all kindergarteners attended today as a full class. The district’s hope is to project their attention forward with these shirts, and inspire them to have fun, and learn a great deal, while on their respective educational journeys. Welcome to the Garfield Heights City Schools, Class of 2036! You are now officially Bulldogs!

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