Garfield Heights City Schools

(216) 475-8100

Garfield Heights City Schools News Article

Superintendent Dr. Reynolds and Treasurer Oko Visit Senior Citizens

As part of the outreach and community relations between the Garfield Heights City Schools and our citizens, Superintendent Dr. Richard Reynolds and Treasurer Phil Oko recently visited the senior center to make a presentation and answer questions. Dr. Reynolds and Mr. Oko shared with senior citizens the fact that a levy renewal is on the ballot in March 2024 and some of the details regarding the levy. They also discussed various other activities taking place within the school district as well. The GHCS makes the effort to visit the senior center on a regular basis with student performances and events, but always makes a point to give our citizens a chance to answer questions as well. Thank you to those in the community who had the chance to listen to our school district leadership talk about important matters.

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