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Garfield Heights City Schools

(216) 475-8100

Family and Civic Engagement

Family and Civic Engagement - Gina Wilson, Coordinator

Hello, my name is Gina Wilson and I passionately assist the Garfield Heights City Schools as the Family
and Civic Engagement Coordinator. We’re on a mission to collaborate and cooperate with parents and
families in our community, since we know that engaged and informed families provide students with the
support systems they need to succeed in school. We want our children to one day become highly
motivated and contributing members of society. When I graduated from Garfield Heights High School in
2010, I always planned that I would come back and serve the community in which I was raised. After
earning a Bachelor’s Degree from Wisconsin in Psychology and a Master’s Degree from Cleveland State in
Social Work, I knew the Garfield Heights City Schools would be my home. My husband, Rob, is an
alumnus and together as two proud graduates decided to make Garfield Heights our home. We
understand our community’s wants and needs. As Family and Civic Engagement Coordinator, we’re
helping to bridge the gap between home and school. Our plan is to boost PTA involvement, create new
and innovative events and activities for parents to attend and partner with outside agencies to better
serve our students and parents. What we hope to achieve in the Garfield Heights City Schools is a TRUE
FAMILY at each grade level who will become more engaged, better informed and… ultimately help our
students grow. You’ll be learning soon about some of our exciting initiatives to help you become more
involved. Thank you, and I hope to see you soon in our community!