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Garfield Heights City Schools

(216) 475-8100

Bullying, Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, and Dating Violence

Bullying, Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, and Dating Violence

The department is responsible for providing inservices for staff and students about recognizing and responding to incidents of bullying, hazing, harassment, intimidation, and dating violence. Students are given age-appropriate information about the effective ways to respond to each of these items and district employees are given inservice/professional training that will help them to be alert to the danger signs that are inherent in each of these areas. 

The Garfield Heights City School District believes that all adult staff should be able to assist students in getting the help they need in any of these areas. 

The attachments below are “Bullying Facts for Parents of Teens” and “Bullying Facts for School Personnel.”